Tell me, Barrack, what do you think of the current state of
the world?
Well, firstly let me say that we as an international
community are as –
Hey, letsssss, cut the crap, huh. This isn’t congress. It’s
me and you, you and I, in my brain, so, really, tell me; the state of the world
– your thoughts, Mr President.
Well to be honest, Brendan, it terrifies me. The state of
the world terrifies me. The world has never been so small and strangely, I
think that that smallness has a certain newness to it. We, as humans, have
never had such an abundance of communication, signs and signifiers and I
sometimes worry about the future of humanity in general.
Are you talking about extinction?
No, I think what I’m getting at, is the unknown, the human
race likes to assume that new things have a certain inherent safety and if ever
facets of this newness are questioned, they are always questioned pertaining to
the immediate future, seldom do we ponder the, say, long term impacts or the
impact’s impacts or the impact’s impact's impacts.
This is something you have a lot of experience in?
No, not at all, I’m actually a newly born projection from
your mind, Brendan. I don’t have a fully functioning makeup at present – in
fact I’m barely you.
Fair enough. What about change? If it’s one thing as humans
we have always embraced, it is change. What change is required, in your opinion,
as we move forward as a, well, as a planet. Forget America, what about the
Yeah, change is interesting isn’t it. Well, we’re one as a
world and you know, as I said the world has never been so small. But we’re not
really united as “humans”. What is our vision of the future? In fact we’re so
far away from being united that it’s close to impossible to fathom it. And it –
the world - is getting smaller and smaller, rather rapidly. Soon there will be
nowhere to hide.
Sorry, Barrack, hide from what?
Well spotted, I’m not sure. There was no overt inference
intended there.
It’s very interesting that you would use that kind of term
when speaking of a shrinking world and the change that is coming – or is going
to continue coming, wave after wave after wave. But going back to your covertly
overt statement. What are we going to need to hide from? Is there a threat in
our future? Do you see a threat in our future?
Wow, that’s a great question. I suppose as the metropolis
spreads and soon joins to form one, and, I’m speaking really generally here, I
guess we may lose something in that process, actually something we are in the
process of losing at this very moment.
What are we losing?
I think, I think, I think we’re losing our ability to enact change on our terms, rather
than be swept away in the tide of slow incremental change that may take us
somewhere we don’t actually want to go, as a species.
Wow, very cryptic.
Are you talking about revolution versus manipulation?
Maybe, yeah.
Hmmm, it’s interesting, it sounds like you fear change a
little. Would you say that is accurate?
Umm, I think it’s natural to fear change, but I don't think,
I think what I fear more is the discovery of an inability to change in an ever
shrinking world.
That’s a pretty big fear.
Yeah, yeah it is. We are, possibly one of the most important
crossroads of human history and I wonder how we are to continue moving forward
without a global focus.
I agree actually, what are we going to do about the fact that
we are now immobile immobile immobile. Humanity’s arrogant escapade can’t
possible get any more arrogant or more ignorant.
I’m not sure.
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