Saturday, September 18

These electric words ix (at the edge of the world) part i

Walking noise is
And there she is
my world
I’ve always been here
She’s always been my womb
And it is now the time for me to talk and I cannot
Just like when it is time to write
But I stand here on the edge of the world
I stand here looking
At something I’ve never seen before

She’s like a stranger and yet I’ve been within her this whole time
I feel the stranger 
And there she goes…
before me
Her rings growing from within
Maybe it’s time for that new birth
Maybe it’s time to see something new

Its full; the moon
Fuller than I’ve seen it in a long time
Falling upon the city I know – the city I’ve never seen
And it cuts me in two; half of me wants to stay, 
The other half wants to cleave

Half me wants to start again
And half me wants to keep on going; never slowing
My friend from the distance flies away
Still speaking in the distance
Asking me to come
“come along – time to leave”
time for me to leave
and a ghostly light makes its way across the water
A pillar over the waves
Ghostly life
Drawing ever nearer
It is my ship
A death for this womb
It is my ship
A life under the new moon
It is the ship

There is a time coming
I shall leave this womb 
And I shall leave this world
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord is my light
My pillar upon the water
The bird calling me in the night

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